Professional Development (CPD) course on “Geospatial technologies for
Earth System Science” was carried out for the benefit of technical and
other professionals in industrial and public sectors.
After a successful competitive bidding process the ACCIMT was awarded to
conduct five workshops on Geo Information for Earth System Science by World
Food Programme (WPF) for public officers from selected divisional secretaries
in the country.
The Programme was held
from 21st of November to 23rd of December 2022 for the participants from
Thanamalivilla, Mannar,Jaffna and Kopay ,Wilgamuwa and Kiran divisional
secretariat. A total of 25 participants took part in one training workshop at
Berjaya Hotel in MountLavinia .
The global aim of this
workshop is to familiarize participants in application of Geo Information
concepts in performing their day to day job functions and specially enhance
their knowledge in GIS and Remote Sensing areas: