About Us
Our Team

The Information Technology Division mainly categorizes its activities into Research, IT Solutions, Technology Transfer and Training Courses. In the past more emphasis was made towards development of software to meet the needs of clients and the transfer of knowledge pertaining to IT to general public through courses. The software developed are in the form of processing of data to speed up tasks to give a better service to the public and also in the form of information dissemination through information systems.

Client based IT Solutions

Web based Information Systems are developed using PHP and MySQL to suit client requirements. Several such projects have been undertaken by our division and have successfully completed. Other software developed mainly concentrate on database management systems to various governments sector organizations in the fields of finance, human resource management, stock management (fixed assets and consumable items) etc.

Solutions provided maybe in the form of ‘one-time’ development or it can be continuous where a maintenance agreement has to be signed.

Training Programs

Training programs are also conducted by the division to enhance the knowledge in IT of the general public. The programs can be categorized into two; general programs and professional programs. General programs are conducted to school leavers and other non-technical people, where they can learn on software packages. The professional programs are aimed to industrialists who wish to learn in a specific area and advanced features.

Taking IT to Village
(Technology Transfer)

Apart from development of software, the division concentrates on popularizing the use of IT among the public, especially in the rural areas. Many hesitate to use computers due to the language barrier. To overcome this, steps have been taken to popularize the use of localized and other packages through ‘Vidatha Centres’ (over 250 such centres are opened country-wide by Ministry of Science Technology), so that the general public can access from these places.


Currently focus is made in the areas of ‘localisation’ and ‘vision based automation’.

In localizing, two selected open source software were converted to Sinhala and Sri Lankan Tamil. Focus was made in converting the software in the best possible way by studying how other countries started localizing into their native languages and how they solved problems when converting.

In the future, the division aims to develop more packages that can help the public to acquire information in local languages, so that information available in English can be accessed to all Sri Lankans without any language barrier.

We also concentrate on applications on ‘vision based automation’. The initial literature surveying and studies are currently being done. It is expected that this area will help in analyzing still images and video streams which can be very important in automation applications and identifying and analyzing of certain situations in medical and other areas.

Rohana Dasanayaka
Head of the Division
Senior Systems Analyst

Bsc in Physical Sc from University of Ruhuna, also holds Pg. Dip. in Computer Technology from University of Colombo and M.Sc from University of Moratuwa. He is involved in developing web based software applications and his research interest is in Local Language Computing.

Anjana Jayasinha
Senior Software Engineer

B Sc in Engineering graduate from University of Oklahoma, USA. He also holds a MSc from University of Moratuwa and a Passed Finalist of CIMA. He is involved in Database Management Systems and his reasearch interest is in the area of Image Processing.

Rasika Somathilake
Senior Systems Analyst

BSc (special Degree in Mathematics) graduate from University of Colombo. She also holds a MSc from University of Colombo School of Computing.She is involved in Database Management Systems and designing Web based software Applications.

Lakshani Karunarathne
Systems Analyst

B.Sc. (Special) degree in Mathematics graduate from University of Sri Jayewardenepura .She also holds a Bachelor of Information Technology from University of Colombo School of Computing. She is involved in Database Management Systems and Web based Application Developing.

Saman Athuluwage
Computer Programmer

He holds a Diploma in Information Technology from University of Colombo School of Computing. He has also undergone several CISCO training in Sri Lanka and overseas. He is involved in institute Computer Network.

Mr. R G M Priyadarshana
Software Engineer

Mrs. J K D D Radika
Software Engineer

Mr. V. V. Liyanaarachchi
Systems Engineer

Mr. Heshan Gunasekera
Computer Programmer

B.Tech. Degree in Software Technology from University of Vocational Technology. He Also holds a MSc. in Geo-Surveying and Public Management from The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - CUHK. He is involved in Database Management Systems and designing Web based software Applications.

Ms. Thilini Mudalige
Computer Programmer

The division undertakes to design and develop Management Information Systems (MIS). The systems mainly focus on giving user friendly and customized features to the clients. Another advantage of our systems to other ‘off-the-shelf’ systems is that clients can request for modifications and additional information to be incorporated when required.  

Breast Cancer Care Android Mobile App

The main purpose of this project is to build an effective communication network between breast cancer patients and breast cancer care nurses/ doctors. We intend to use an android based smart phone application to accomplish this task. This mobile application will facilitate registered patients to directly communicate with Breast cancer care nurses which are appointed to them by a doctor who treated the patient

Covid-19 Compliance Monitoring System

Covid-19 Compliance Monitoring System helps public health inspectors to monitor and analyse data easily.

Android Mobile Application Development