An MOU was signed between ACCIMT and DAD on 16th October 2023 at ACCIMT with a view to effectively utilize modern technology for the advancement of agriculture in Sri Lanka.

Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT) and Department of Agrarian Development (DAD) have entered into this MOU with the view of ACCIMT to offer consultancy and other related technical support services in the areas of its expertise for DAD to facilitate creation of a conductive environment in achieving the below-mentioned technology requirements to […]

Comet Nishimura – C/2023 P1

Comet Nishimura, officially designated as C/2023 P1, Discovered by Japanese amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura in August, is now visible in the predawn sky in Sri Lanka. Although the Comet now became a naked eye object with magnitude just less than 5 it is a magnificent object for skywatchers with binoculars and telescopes. Comet Nishimura is […]