20th WORKSHOP ON INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY Posted on October 7, 2022March 15, 2023 by admin Please Scan the following QR code or Click on the Link below to Register for the Workshop https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0rICKPqX1SEirohzWLdKeQ3LTQno-dFh-CSl7Iqljbj6gig/viewform
I’m 12 years and 11 months but I learn in grade 8. can I participate on this because I’m really interested in astrology I learn at mahanama college Thank you. Reply
any information of WORKSHOP ON INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY for 2022?
I’m 12 years and 11 months but I learn in grade 8. can I participate on this because I’m really interested in astrology I learn at mahanama college
Thank you.