Space Technologies for Assessment on Environmental Factors and Marine Cultured Pearl production Areas in Sri Lanka

Cultured pearls are simply real pearls managed in a semi-controlled environment. Pearl is a popular organic gemstone basically due to the beauty of its natural lustrous and iridescent surface. For superior quality pearls, it may take up to two years or more to harvest and the yield is usually low. The culture of the modern pearl market drives an innovative process to develop pearls with reasonable quality and in quantity. Commercial pearl oyster culture has been a common feature in the oceanic islands around the globe. The islands containing lagoons and reef flats, normally these environmental factors support natural population of pearls oysters and exhibit many advantages for farming of pearl oyster and production of cultured pearls particularly from the environment point of view.
Sri Lanka is most famous for its pearl oysters. The famous pearl banks of Sri Lanka was born due to the highly nutritious waters flowing of Manna Bay into the sea. Sri Lanka in the past was famous for precious pearls and it was one of the main sources that induced foreign invaders to the island. Sri Lankan pearls enjoyed a wide international popularity. However, during the last few decades the once flourished pearl culture industry has disappeared due to various climate issues and human activity, growth of Pearl oysters gradually came to an end. Today after many years of the Pearl fishery ending the country is leaping into a new oyster trade as worth as the pearl fishery itself, the edible oysters from Sri Lanka has been admired by many tourists for it freshness and meaty texture.
In this study mainly the space technologies (remotely sense data) is used for the assessment on pearl oyster culture. The advantage of using this technology is mainly useful in analyzing historical data and cost effective as no need to visited to study area for collect the data. Also GIS (geographical information systems) are convenient and fundamental tools for spatiotemporal analyses of lagoons and reef flats. It is also can effectively use to visualizing final results with relevant information in an understandable way.