Sir Arthur C Clark 1st Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Dr K. Kasthuri Rangan (India)
Director-National Institute of Advanced Studies and Member of the Upper House of the Parliament of India.
Forays into Space-New Direction for National Development
Prof.Tissa Vitarana Honourable Minister of Science and Technology
19th March 2009
Sir Arthur C Clark 2nd Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Dr. Thirumalachari Ramaswami (India)
Secretary to the Government of India,Department of Science and Technology
Science in Nation Building:A case Study
Prof.Tissa Vitarana Honourable Minister of Science and Technology
24th March 2010
Sir Arthur C Clark 3rd Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Dr.Mustafa Din Subari (Malaysia)
Director General, National Space Agency, Malaysia.
How to get a Piece of the Space Cake:Perspective of a Developing Country-the Malaysian Experience
Hon.Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Minister of Technology and Research
04th April 2011
Sir Arthur C Clark 4th Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Prof. Suvit Vibulsresth (Thailand)
Executive Director of the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand
Geo-informatics for Natural Resources Survey of Developing Countries in Asia
Hon.Pavithra Wanniarachchi Minister of Technology and Research
19th of March 2012
Sir Arthur C Clark 5th Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Prof.Gehan Amarathunga (UK and USA (Srilankan)
Professor of Engineering and Head of Electronics, Power and Energy Conservation at the University of Cambridge
Value Creation for Economic Development through Technology
Hon.Patali Champika Ranawaka, Ministor of Technology,Research and Atomic Energy
25th of March 2013
Sir Arthur C Clark 6th Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Prof. Hui Lin (China)
Professor and Director of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Environment Monitoring with Satellite Mapping and Virtual Geographic Environments (VGA)
Hon.Patali Champika Ranawaka, Ministor of Technology,Research and Atomic Energy
07th of April 2014
Sir Arthur C Clark 7th Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Prof.Guo Huadong (China)
Director General Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth(RADI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
China’s Earth Observation Systems and Applications
19th of March 2015
Sir Arthur C Clark 8th Memorial Lecture

Guest Lecture
Dr.Sarath Gunapala (USA (Sri Lankan))
Director,Center for Infrared Photodetectors NASA-Jet Propulsion laboratory,California Institute of Technology Pasadena,California,USA
Exploration of Our Solar System and Beyond
Hon.Susil Premajayantha, Ministor of Science,Technology and Research
31st of May 2016